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Act Today to Stop WHO's Disastrous Power Grab!

URGENT! #STOPTHETREATY Submit Your Opposition Comment Now! Comments are due by 10:00am CST on Wednesday, April 13.

Imagine living in a nation that is stripped of the right to determine its own health policy in the event of a pandemic. It seems impossible, right? However, it might become quite possible if we don't act now. I mean, now. It will take you only 2 minutes to submit a comment, but it might be one of the most significant decisions you made in your life.

As Children's Health Defense Illinois Chapter (CHD IL) mentioned in its newsletter from 4/12/2022, "in a special session, only the second-ever such session since the agency's founding in 1948, the WHO's Health Assembly met in December 2021 to adopt an agreement titled: 'The World Together.' The decision by the Health Assembly established an intergovernmental negotiating body to draft and negotiate the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Agreement. Health Policy Watch reported the agreement will focus on 'incoherent policymaking by member states and lack of international cooperation.'"

It basically means that the WHO will have even more power over the nations that chose to be members of the WHO.

This treaty will allow it to strip nations of the right to determine their own health policy in the event of a pandemic, which will make the WHO a new global health governance agency. Interestingly enough, it will also address such issues as "the unsustainable food production and livestock breeding, wildlife trading, resource-intensive lifestyles and consumption, destruction of ecosystems, antimicrobial resistance and soaring figures of cancer," etc. Basically, it will touch every aspect of our lives!

So, if a member country would like to prevent lockdowns and mandates in the future, it would not have freedom to do so anymore. In the US, it would block states from defying federal and global mandates.

Basically, the WHO would supersede the authority of the constitutions of the member countries.

"The Biden administration announced it wants issues of 'health equity' included in the Pandemic Preparedness Agreement, according to Politico. Aside from the Politico report on Biden's equality agenda, the media have reported very few details about the WHO's sweeping treaty — which effectively is being negotiated in secret," stated the CHD IL newsletter.

If you are against centralized global control of public health, please act, and act fast!

"Let the WHO know public health is not a one-size-fits-all program. We need people and communities in control of their own health," the CHD IL newsletter said.

Here is a sample comment that you can submit:

Hello! I am against the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Agreement. Public health is not a one-size-fits-all program. We need people and communities to be in control of their own health. The details of this treaty have not been widely shared with the communities around the world. We need transparency. We don't want the WHO to supersede the authority of every signatory nation's individual constitution. In the United States, people respect and honor their constitution, and they wouldn't be happy with this treaty. Please, let our countries decide our own health policies. Stop the treaty!

Thank you for your attention and consideration, Sincerely, Your Name

Natalia Dagenhart

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