Interview with award-winning journalist and artist Natalia Dagenhart
Originally, I was interviewed by The Crazy Mind magazine in November 2018. Since their website was purchased by another company, that interview disappeared, and I had to re-publish it here. I made some changes and adjustments to it, but mostly it's the same. Enjoy, and thank you for reading!

Natalia Dagenhart is an award-winning independent writer and artist from Naperville, Illinois. She writes about cultural and social events happening in the Chicago area and in the world. Natalia received the Journalist of the Year 2018 Award from Congressman Danny K. Davis on October 28, 2018. Her brand, "Articles by Natalia Dagenhart," celebrated its 11th anniversary on November 11, 2024. Here is an interview with Natalia.
What makes you different from other writers and why should such organizations as orchestras, PR agencies, cultural centers and educational institutions hire you?
My writing style. Being an independent journalist and writer, I am my own boss and have freedom to write the way I want. People call the way I write sincere and unique. My slogan is "Combining a personable style of writing and great care to details." I write from my heart, yet I am very detail oriented. Each story I treat individually and believe that a writer must be honest, objective and sincere. I love writing and can't imagine my life without it. Writing comes naturally to me. I do a lot of research and take every story personally. I don’t rush when I write, so I devote a great amount of time and attention to every article and find things that will help me to introduce the subject and/or person in the best possible way. I mostly concentrate on writing about classical music events and other cultural events in the Chicago area.
As a former musician, I understand classical music and know how to describe different nuances of it in a professional, yet simple way that can be understood by various audiences, not only by music professionals. I write for people. I have written stories about events organized by Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Chicago a cappella, New Philharmonic Orchestra, Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church of Naperville, Chicago Sinfonietta, The Kingdom Choir, Young Naperville Singers, DuPage Symphony Orchestra, West Suburban Symphony, The 5 Browns, Wheaton College Artist Series, New York Classical Players, a traditional group from Ireland Danú, The Queen’s Cartoonists, Jazz at Lincoln Center, Opera Mainstage, Boston Brass, Danish String Quartet, organist Chelsea Chen, Judson University, World Leaders Forum, Buffalo Theatre Ensemble, Village Theatre Guild, Moscow Festival Ballet, Salt Creek Ballet, Russian National Ballet Theatre, and others.

From March 2017 to February 2020, I was contributing my articles to Lyric Opera of Chicago. Magda Krance, who was Director of Media Relations at Lyric Opera of Chicago at that time, helped me to improve my writing skills and learn more about writing reviews of opera productions. Magda, who is retired now, was an accomplished Media Relations Director with more than 29 years of experience working in the performing arts industry and more than 12 years of experience working as freelance and full-time journalist. I learned a lot from Magda and really appreciate her time and support. I am proud that I wrote about numerous world-renowned opera singers including Lawrence Brownlee, Anna Netrebko, Albina Shagimuratova, and many others.
I also can write about any topic or subject, such as, for example, bombings at the Boston Marathon, terrorist attacks, or a sick child whose mother doesn't give up and fights for her life. Sometimes, I write about social issues and events, such as the Safe-T Act, Veterans Remembrance Walk, the lockdown, Type 1 Diabetes Walk, the event featuring the former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, and many others. I also conduct interviews. I interviewed such people as DuPage County Sheriff Mendrick, former IL Gubernatorial Candidate Darren Bailey, Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau, candidate for 11th Congressional District in Illinois Jerry Evans, among others. I also wrote a few articles about famous people such as Queen Noor of Jordan, Nick Vujicic, Cameron Diaz, Sophia Loren, Kate Hudson, and a few other famous individuals.
I visited Ukraine already twice during the war, in 2023 and in 2024, and wrote an article about it.

Interestingly, my most famous writing is a literary analysis of The Story of an Hour written by Kate Chopin. It’s published on my website, and I can see that people from all over the world come to my website to read my analysis. I also know that they use it in their papers and that universities use my analysis during their educational process.
How did you come to journalism and writing?
I was born in the Soviet Union. My mom was born in Ukraine, and my dad was born in Russia. I lived in the Russian Federation but spent every summer at my grandmother’s home in Ukraine. I am still visiting Ukraine as often as I can because my relatives there are getting older and need my support. In Russia, I worked as a television journalist for a few years. I covered social and cultural events happening in our city. When almost 23 years ago I came to the USA, I had to go back to school and study English. I also had to give up on being a journalist, at least that’s what I thought. At first, I tried many different jobs, got 2 more degrees (my first degree is in teaching music in elementary and middle school in Russia), but finally I came back to journalism. I love every day of my life now because I do what I like to do. Also, as a former musician, I love writing about classical music events and attending them. I get a lot of energy from these concerts! Classical music is very powerful, I believe it comes from somewhere in the Universe. We all should use the great energy that classical music provides us. Plus, it has healing power. Why not use it while enjoying the magnificent sounds of music?
Just imagine - someone who lived two, three hundred years ago composed something, the person died, but their music keeps pleasing people, keeps making them happy. Isn't it amazing?

In this country, I started writing 11 years ago when I contributed my first article that was called "A World Premiere Comes to Naperville" to the websites of Chicago Tribune and Patch on November 11, 2013. I still remember that day. It was an article about the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir that performed at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church here, in Naperville, as part of Concerts at Ss. Peter and Paul. Since then, I have written tons of articles about various cultural events in the Chicago area. I contributed my articles to the website of Chicago Tribune for almost 4 years, and I am still contributing my articles to Patch. Since 2016, I have been contributing my articles to the website of Daily Herald. I also have my own website where I post my articles.
In 2020, I created a documentary "How the lockdown has changed my life" - real stories of real people. You can watch it here:
On November 11, 2023 I celebrated the 10th anniversary of Articles by Natalia Dagenhart. Here is a video devoted to that anniversary:

Besides that, I have experience being an intern and a freelancer at Total Living Network, Chicago's own Christian television station, which at that time was based in Aurora, Illinois. In 2006, I assisted the producers of the television show called “Aspiring Women” on Total Living Network. The episode to which I contributed the most, “No Place to Call Home”, won an Emmy award in 2007.
I also sing; you can listen to songs performed by me on my YouTube channel. Many of them are in Ukrainian! I also used to dance.
Recently, I started getting involved in local politics. I enjoy serving my community!

What does it mean to be an immigrant-journalist? Is it hard? After all, English is your second language, and you received the Journalist of the Year Award!
It is hard to be an immigrant. You have to literally get reborn. You must learn the language, the customs, the manners, and change your mentality, at least partially. You must fit in. Otherwise, you always will be a stranger. As a former journalist, I understood that language is everything. That's why I went back to school, even though I was already in my thirties. I knew I had to learn how to communicate. I remember when I first came to this country I didn't know how to drive or how to express myself properly, and I didn't understand why people reacted this or that way and what made them laugh, for example. When I first came to America, I thought that I knew some English because I studied it at school in Russia. However, we studied British English, which is different, plus it was many years ago. I remember not being able to order a sandwich at Subway and running away in tears in 2002, during my first year in this country.
However, it just motivated me to study more. I am very persistent and goal-oriented, and if I decide to achieve something, I do. I was an A student at college here, in America, and was always very determined and always worked hard. I still do. Every day I learn new words and expressions. It is a never-ending process. I believe that because of my hard work and perseverance I got the Journalist of the Year 2018 Award from His Honor Congressman Danny K. Davis. I will cherish this award forever.

It means a lot to me. When I look at it, I remember my long, sleepless nights writing, writing and writing. Being a full-time mom and a housewife, I have to find time for everything, and I do. In some ways, writing is a way for me to express myself. I always work with my heart and wouldn't write about things that don't touch my soul. I have to get the story that I write about literally through myself, and then I produce the best result.
So, you said that you contribute your articles. Does it mean that you are getting paid by newspapers?
No. I am not their staff member, so usually I don’t get paid by the newspapers. On a few occasions, I have written articles as a freelance writer and have been paid by a newspaper. Sometimes, I also get paid by creative individuals who want me to write about them. Oftentimes big, world-renowned companies invite me to their events and want me to write for them. They do that because they like the way I present their events in my writings. It helps me to promote my name and my brand and demonstrate my skills and unique writing style. I think outside of the box. The way I write catches attention, and I know how to do that. Each article is a puzzle for me; I just have to put all the parts together in the right way.

I love to use quotes in my articles because I believe that nothing can beat the wisdom of great people. I love studying the circumstances in which composers wrote their music, for example, because I want to feel what they felt and want to know what they went through when they composed this or that piece. At the moment, I enjoy being my own boss, having my own schedule and writing without any instructions from anyone. However, if someone liked the way I wrote and offered me a job that allowed me to keep my individual style of writing, I would gladly accept their offer. Meanwhile, I enjoy writing and am looking for more ways to make my work more profitable. I keep my eyes and ears open to any new opportunities and possibilities.
What else do you do? We found out you are also an award-winning artist and a songwriter. Also, is it true that you participated in the Mrs. Illinois pageant ten years ago?
Yes, I am a self-taught artist. I started painting in December 2012. I paint with acrylics. I started with abstract, and that is what I did for the first couple of years. However, I can paint anything.

I am very interested in painting faces. I love to observe people, their emotions, character and personality. It attracts me as an artist. Every little move, muscle of the face, wrinkle - you name it! – tells the whole life story of the person, and I love showing it with paints. I forget to eat when I paint. Thank God, I always have a bottle of water next to me and at least drink. I turn on classical music when I paint; it gives me energy. I choose music depending on what I am painting; each piece carries different energy - sometimes it is sad, sometimes victorious, sometimes thoughtful.
Painting is just another way to express my feelings and emotions. Since 2013, I have been a member of the Naperville Art League where I recently received six awards: Best of Show for the “Portrait of Unknown Woman” in February 2017, Merit Award for the “Portrait of Liza Minnelli” in February 2018 (both are part of the annual Fabulous Fakes art show), Merit Award for painting "Euterpe" in October 2018, Merit Award for “The Iberian Mother of God” in February 2019, Merit Award for “The Star of Beethoven” in January 2023, and Merit Award for “Two Blues” in August 2024. Euterpe was one of the nine Muses, the goddesses of music, song and dance. She is presiding over lyric poetry and music. I painted her because I feel deeply connected to her. She gives me positive energy, and she helped me to get that award!

I also wrote a lot of music and songs in Russian. I published a book of my poetry in Russian in 2016 and a shorter version of it in 2017. I also translated a book "Three Simple Rules" by Rueben P. Job from English into Russian in 2014. One of my songs called "Snyeg Letit" (Snow is falling) was performed here, in Naperville, in December 2014 by Young Naperville Singers as part of their annual Christmas concert. It was one of the best days in my life!
Hundreds of people in the audience heard it, plus the concert was recorded and distributed in the form of a CD and DVD. The year of 2014 was in general very interesting and productive for me. In April I participated in the Mrs. Illinois/America Pageant. It was fun! I didn't win anything, but the fact that I was brave enough to come on stage in my mid-forties and represent Naperville - it is by itself worth a lot! And, of course, I wrote an article about myself and my experience and posted it on the websites of Chicago Tribune and Patch.

I also wrote an inspirational song “Bird.” There are two versions: one is Russian, and one is in both English and Russian. It is a powerful song about reviving after going through difficult times. You can listen to it on YouTube:
This song carries very wise and kind thoughts about the value of life and its meaning. I hope this song can help to build bridges between all the people in the world by using the means of music. I will always try to make this world more beautiful, whether through my writings, my poetry, my music or my art. However, first of all I am a writer. It is my destiny. I will keep writing as long as I can and will always do it from my heart.
Natalia Dagenhart