Kayleigh McEnany speaks at Freedom Initiative Now event
The former White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, spoke about her experience working at the White House, her faith, and her trust in God at the event organized by Freedom Initiative Now.
Photo: Kayleigh McEnany. Courtesy of Kayleigh McEnany
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other,” said one of the Founding Fathers, John Adams, in his address to the Massachusetts Militia on October 11, 1798. These words are still valuable and important today, or at least they should be.
The last several years, and especially the last several months, showed us that the basis of our Republic, our Constitution, is at risk. Our liberties, and particularly our Christian liberties, are systematically violated. This became the main theme of the event Organized by Freedom Initiative Now. This event, called The Secular Left’s Assault on Christianity, took place at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights on Thursday, September 30. It featured former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, a true Christian and believer.
Photo: The former White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, spoke about her experience working at the White House and about her faith. Courtesy of: Justin Bellows
This inspirational and moving evening with Kayleigh McEnany gathered a great number of patriots and those who value our Constitution, freedoms, liberties, and the heritage of our Founding Fathers. The discussion of the night included such topics as the degradation of fundamental principles, the global Marxist movement, and the dangers of removing God from conversations. John Anthony of AM560 Radio’s hit show “Black and Right” performed the MC role during this event and also conducted commentary.
The event brought together several amazing speakers who are well-known in Chicago and the area. Each of them spoke from his heart and pronounced out loud everything that the majority of Americans have been thinking for a while already. Nick Richmond, serial entrepreneur and chairman of Freedom Initiative, discussed the American Dream, the underpinnings of our founding and his vision for the Freedom Initiative. Pastors Calvin Lindstrom and Randy Blan shared their passion about preaching God’s Word faithfully and encouraging Christians to be in service to King Jesus. Each and every speaker at that event added their own story and thought to the discussion and presented their perspectives.
Photo: The former White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, spoke about her experience working at the White House and about her faith. Courtesy of: Justin Bellows
Soon, Kayleigh came to the stage. She was greeted with a standing ovation. This elegant young woman, who impressed everyone during the White House press conferences with her inner strength, deep knowledge of various subjects, and professional approach, opened up her secrets. She told us about her experience being the White House Press Secretary, disclosed how she adjusted to her new role, and opened up who particularly helped her to succeed in that role. Guess who? God. She prayed. She prayed extensively, and many other people prayed with her. And, just as in the beginning of the formation of this country, God came to help. God always helps people who have a good mission. Kayleigh is a great example of that.
Photo: The former White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, spoke about her experience working at the White House and about her faith. Courtesy of Natalia Dagenhart
At the time when Kayleigh was offered this job, her daughter was still very young. Kayleigh was scared to take the job, leave her daughter behind, and move to Washington, D.C. However, she still decided to take the job, although she was extremely nervous about leaving her little daughter. “I was holding my daughter,” said Kayleigh, “And I remember literally beginning to cry, and my physical tears falling on her body. And I remember that in that moment her face lit up, and she gave me what was her first smile ever, and it was her way of saying - Mommy, go do this. It was God’s way of saying - Kayleigh, go do this; you are meant to go do this for a reason.”
Kayleigh told about her first briefing and how hard it was for her to overcome fear. That day she listened to the sermon about faith over fear, and it gave her a lot of strength. She later posted a tweet that said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). However, Kayleigh still had a flow of human emotion and at 2 p.m. when she was supposed to be on the podium she started crying. She put her parents on speaker phone and they prayed together; a lot of Christians sent her supportive messages.
Sarah Sanders, her predecessor, helped her a lot. Sarah gave her some very important advice. She said: “Most importantly, pray. Let God carry you through the tough times, give you strength when you don’t have any.” Sarah told Kayleigh that she read Jesus Calling Devotional every day of the briefing, and Kayleigh had kept that tradition and read her Jesus Calling Devotional.
Photo: Kayleigh McEnany at the press briefing. Courtesy of Kayleigh McEnany
Interestingly, the day of her first briefing was May 1, 2020, and Sarah sent Kayleigh her Jesus Calling Devotional from May 1, 2018, from exactly two years prior. When Kayleigh read it, Jesus Calling Devotional particularly said: “You are on the path of my choosing. There is no randomness about your life. As you give yourself more and more to a life with constant communion with me, you will find that you simply have no time to worry.” When Kayleigh took to the podium, she had peace in her soul, which she believes came from God and all the Christians around the country who prayed for her.
We are here for a reason, Kayleigh kept saying. And that night we all were there for a reason. The secular left is slowly removing God from the lives of many Americans, and particularly from the lives of American children. Don’t let the left succeed.
I would like to finish my article with the words of Abraham Lincoln: “We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving Grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!”
Let’s not forget to pray. Pray the way Kayleigh did when she accepted her new role, and the way all Christians pray on a daily basis. We all need God in our lives. He is there ready to help. Just call His name.
Natalia Dagenhart
This article is also available at: https://patch.com/illinois/arlingtonheights/kayleigh-mcenany-speaks-freedom-initiative-now-event